Thursday, April 17, 2014

Welcome to Duct Tape Mother

One of the few attempts that I have ever made to write about my role as a working mom was well received.  It was a Boston Magazine piece written in 2003 shortly after I left the Governor's office having made headlines mostly for the birth of my three daughters during my time in statewide politics.
In the intervening 11 years, I've often thought about returning to writing about my non-professional job as a busy working mother to three girls and the family life my husband, Chuck, and I have created.  I post frequently on my two Facebook accounts -- one public and one private -- and my short blurbs regarding the Erma Bombeck-esque incidents in our house frequently attract the greatest attention (and fuel my impressive Klout score).  And while I thought the entreaties from friends and strangers:  "You should write a book!" would slow down over the years, in fact that encouragement continues. 
However, as the CEO of a growing ed-tech business, Board Member of public, private and not-for-profit companies and organizations and the mom to a High School freshman and twin 7th graders, there is no way that writing a book fits in my current reality.  But this blog is a step toward documenting more of our stories. 
The picture above is taken from my Facebook page:  Recently, Lauren and Sarah started at Christ the King School in South Burlington, and in the mad scramble to assemble uniforms, I ordered (gasp!) the below the knee skirts from Lands End (as opposed to the above the knee skort).  No self-respecting 7th grader with any fashion sense could wear such a thing -- so the call went out to shorten the skirt, immediately.  I spent more time than usual on such a request and the duct tape job (while intended to be temporary till my mother could tackle the real thing) was well done, IMHO.  It engendered the requisite teenage-girl-eye-roll but also serves as the inspiration for the naming of this new blog.
I hope to include information gleaned from my 20 years working in education policy & technology but also share the absurdity and wisdom gained from parenting girls as an imperfect mom.  Truth is I have never been taken with sewing and although I have largely conquered cooking big meals on big occasions, my day-to-day efforts aren't fueled by a passion for domesticity (hence, the Christmas gift from the girls proudly displayed in our kitchen:  Dinner is Ready when the Smoke Alarm Goes Off).
The great disconnect I hope to dispell is the perception that my passion for my (paid) work and my disinterest in certain domestic rituals equates to a disinterest in parenting.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  In fact, as I have widely admitted in speeches on work/family policies -- if I were ever forced to choose between my wildly fulfilling & successful professional work and my role as a mom, I would not hesitate a bit to chose the role as a Duct Tape Mother.

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